Blagdon Minipond Fountain Pumps are perfect to run pond fountains, Filters, Waterfalls and water features. These high-quality pumps are designed and manufactured using advanced technology and come with everything you need to create your dream watery display. A comprehensive range of fountain heads, fittings and adjusters included.
Optional pre-filter foam reduces daisy jet blockage. Available in 4 sizes, with flow rates from 700 to 2000 litres per hour. 3 x fountain heads: Daisy Super, Single Daisy, Water bell.
5 x fountain extension pipes. 2 x threaded hose adapters. Flow rate: 700 litres per hour. Flow rate: 900 litres per hour. Flow rate: 1600 litres per hour.
T-piece with fountain flow control valve. 1 (25mm) flow control valve for filter, waterfall or feature. 20cm fixed fountain extension pipe. 4 x fountain display heads (Daisy Jet, Two Tier Daisy Jet, Bell Jet and Foam Jet). 2 x interchangeable hose fittings u00bd" (12.5mm) and u00be"(19mm).
Pre-filter foam for use with daisy jets. Flow rate: 2000 litres per hour. Please select the required size from the drop-down menu.